A Horoscope (or other names commonly used for the horoscope English are natal charts the astrological chart or astro-chart celestial map or sky-map, the vitasphere, cosmogram, star-chart radical chart or radix, chart wheel or chart) is an astrological chart , or diagram that shows the locations in charts of the Sun, Moon, planets as well as astrological aspects and angles during an event, like the time of someone's birth. The word"horoscope" comes of the Greek words ora and scopeos which refer to "time" and "observer" (horoskopos the plural form of. horoskopoi or "marker(s) of the hour"). It's method to determine specific events that are related to the point in time that it is referring to and is the foundation of the horoscopic practices of astrology.

In the common sense the term "horoscope" is often used to refer to the interpretation of an astrologer's astrology of a particular event, typically founded on a solar Sun sign astrology, that is based solely on the location that the Sun at the time of birth or the significance of the calendar of an event as per Chinese astrology. Particularly some magazines and newspapers contain predictive columns composed in prose, which could be more targeted towards increasing the number of readers than being directly linked with or relating to the Sun or other elements in the solar system. which are supposedly basing their predictions on celestial influences that relate to the position of the zodiacal Sun in the day of birth or cusp (2 days prior to or following any specific sign, or an overlap) as well as decant (the month is divided into three 10-day intervals) of the birthday month, and identifying the person's Sun symbol as well as the "star sign" based on the zodiac of the tropical region.

In Hindu astrology birth charts are referred to as"kundali," which is believed to be based upon the movements of moon and stars. The most ominous events and rituals are initiated after checking the kundali of an individual and the wedding ceremony when chart of birth for the girl and boy are in sync.

There aren't any scientific studies that have proved that horoscopes are accurate and the techniques used to draw conclusions are not scientific. 1350 Within the current scientific research, there is no evidence of an interaction is known to be the cause of the claimed influence between an individual and the place of the celestial stars at the time of birth. All tests that have been conducted using strict protocols that contain a group of control, and appropriate blinding between the subject and experimenter the horoscopes did not show any impact beyond the realm of chance.[] In addition, some psychological tests have proven the possibility of being able to create character descriptions of people and to foretell a future event that is general enough to satisfy the majority of a vast audience at the same time and referred to in The Forer and Barnum effect.

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